Melitta EcoClean Descaler, 414 ml
Looking to clean your coffee machine, as good as a chemical-based cleaner but not harmful to you or the environment? A naturally cleaned coffee machine produces better tasting coffee. Melitta Eco-Clean descaler contains naturally derived, powerful ingredients to ensure your coffee tastes great for years to come!
More Info
- Non toxic, biodegradable and phosphate free
- The formula does not carry a corrosive classification
- The Eco-Friendly citric acid formula as the primary active ingredient, no harsh vinegar smell
- The bottle is 100% recyclable HDPE, induction sealed and includes a child resistant cap
- Includes a proprietary ingredient effective at neutralizing mould and bacteria
- Helps extend the life of all coffee machines, k-cup machines, espresso and drip machines
- Each bottle is good for 3 uses